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I is for Images…

Think about when you book a hotel online or a holiday, one of the first things I do (and I’m guessing you are the same) is check the images of the room/facilities. If they are of poor quality (grainy) or poor images, then I will generally move on to the next hotel.

Images are an important factor when advertising green fees online. Ultimately the customer wants to see what they are buying. This is particularly true in the online green fee market due to a large portion of this market being transient, and therefore the golfer may have never played your course before. Good images can provide a reason to stay on a webpage for longer and will help increase the number of site visits that turn into bookings, they can also differentiate you from your competitors.

Getting professionally created photos is a ‘must’ for all golf courses advertising online, and with today’s technology the results can be spectacular. Images are particularly important when selling higher priced green fees – generally the higher the price, the more a golfer will consider the decision to buy and images can be that deciding factor.

Once you have got a good base of professional images it is important to supplement them with seasonal shots, and by seasonal I do NOT mean a golf course covered in snow! Instagram is a great tool for turning a photo taken on your phone into a great looking image through the various filters available and its free! Instagram is also a great for building your social following. Often the best images can be taken around sunrise or sunset at a golf course. Most green keepers are around at one or both of these times and can therefore be a great option for taking on the golf course’s Instagram account!

Finally, thanks to The Astbury and Craig Brown for use of the images!

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